Friday, January 8, 2010

It's Tough Being A Woman!!!

It's tough being a woman!!! Wow, is that ever the truth! I'm doing another amazing Beth Moore bible study and I can honestly say this by far, is the one for me!!!!!! We are studying the book of Esther, and although God is not mentioned one time in this book, his hands are all over the story. Sometimes we think that the bible, especially the old testament is out dated and that times have changed so much that God doesn't understand how it is "these days" that is NOT true friends, God is all knowing all the time!! He knew how it would be today, how it was yesterday, and how it will be tomorrow!! Praise him for that, and be grateful you don't!!! Esther is so full of drama!!!!!! I can't believe how similar it is to our lives today!!! And sometimes being a woman, caught in the middle is sooooooo difficult!

I love how Beth Moore is taking us through this journey by reminding us that as hard as it is to be a woman, the woman you are is exactly how God created you to be. We all live in another woman's shadow, I don't care how confident you are, there is someone you always compare yourself too, even if you don't know her, you will make her up! We as woman pay more attention to how another woman looks, acts, dresses, etc. more so than a man does!!! That's so crazy and 100% true. If we don't stop comparing, we will NEVER be happy.

If you have a personal relationship with Christ, which is what being a Christian is. Let me just say that is what Christianity is, it's not a religion, its personal relationship with Jesus Christ. That is why God came in human form, lived a perfect life, that was very difficult, and died a horrendous death because he loved you so much and wants to have a personal relationship with you!!!! He is the only example we need to follow, and we need to help our sisters to do the same, and not judge them.

So, back to Esther, we are learning and its only the first week, to let God heal our world-torn souls and make us experience His security in our reality. LOVE IT!!!!!!! Every ones reality is different and that's how God made it, it's okay to be different, how boring it would be if we were all the same. God's relationship with each one of us is different, Amen!!!! God is so faithful to remind us that he alone is Lord. Some of us have stronger qualities than the other, some have more self control, some have more money, better kids, sweeter husbands...... but we ALL have one thing in common, we are WOMEN!!!!!! We should learn to be more supportive to one another!

This study is so good, I'm praying that when I finish it, I will be a woman truly after God's own heart and not this worlds. I hate how caught up I get in always trying to be perfect!!!! And then getting so mad at myself and taking it out on every ones else when I fall short. I want to be a living breathing example of how much Christ loves me and you!! I want you to see my flaws, and my short comings and the difficulties in my life just so you can see how much God loves me and works them all out to glorify Him!!! I laugh all the time thinking, why did you choose me to serve you, you're perfect and I am the farthest thing from perfect!! But, I think that's just why he did, if He can save me and change me then anyone can be saved and changed!!! I want Christ to say to me when I meet him and one day and I will :) "Well done my good and faithful servant!" I'll never be the perfect size 6, or have a perfect house all day, or go to the gym 6 days a week, or never loose my patience with my children, or have sex with husband twice a day :) I'll never be done up to take my kids to school, or drop them off everyday in a shiny clean car, or only feed them organic food, or be at church every single Sunday, BUT..... I do have a PERFECT GOD, who loves me unconditionally faults and all and so do you!!!!! HE ALONE is the ONLY perfect thing in this world, and he made me and you!!!!! I want the world to see HIM living through me, not a perfect person that doesn't even exsist!!!!


  1. This just gave me chills to read!! Especially the last paragraph!! WOW!! You are so honest and that is why I am BLESSED to be friends with you!!
    I KNOW we are going to get so much out of this next 9 weeks!! I cannot wait until Christopher gets made me excited to complete my homework!! =)

  2. I agree with Lisa, this is a great post! I can see you are going to use your blog for good and not evil!!! Thank God! I had a blast meeting you and am thankful to now have you in my life =) xoxo!

  3. Great blog Jill!! I love it when people are strong in their faith. You post was inlightening and moving! So happy to have met you :)

  4. Great post Jill!
    I was so happy to see you again... this time we were able to talk more! =)
    Have a wonderful night!
